Workspace name Feature reference # Feature name Feature type Feature description
Digital Workspace Platform DWP-709 Windows Server 2022 support New

Matrix42 Enterprise Service Management can be safely install at Microsoft Windows Server 2022

Digital Workspace Platform DWP-717 Wizard to configure Service Connection for Matrix42 Account New

a mechanism of a simple configuration of the M42Account Service Connection.

Introduced the new action "Add Matrix42 Account Connection" for the management area "Service Connections/Connections" which opens the dialog specially designed for establishing M42Account Connection

On clicking the "SETUP AUTHENTICATION" button the popup opens the dedicated page which communicates with the ACS.

We pass the following:

  • Name (clarify requirements with David W.)

  • Description

As a result of Auth flow, we obtain:

  • Client ID,

  • Client Secret,

  • Access Token

  • Refresh token

When all information is received and confirmed, the user submits the wizard and "Tenant" and "Service Connection" objects should be created, new Service Connection object Preview to be opened.

See the secuence diagramm.

  1. InitSession (in wizard initialization) to get Session GUID.

  2. Fill the Name

  3. Setup Authentications (button) -> popup with ACS endpoint with our Redirect URL (HTML route). After we get to our HTML redirect URL we trigger the CreateApplication M42Service endpoint.

API endpoints to deliver:

  • InitSession: generates Session GUID with N min expiration.

  • CreateTenant endpoint. It will communicate ACS in order to create an ACS application and get a Client ID and Secret.

    • Request contract: Name (from local storage) - ACS will use it as a name of the Application

    • Response: ClientID, scope

  • SubmitData: creates ServiceConnection object, Tenant object

Digital Workspace Platform M42ESM-471 04 - Provide Test Execution Capabilities for Installed Extensions New

Customers installing the Extension Test Studio will be able to execute tests delivered by an extension (Extension under Test).

Allow to execute test cases in test runs and visualize the test run history:

The customer or user who is executing the tests delivered by an installed extension can execute test cases by a new action called "Tests" as shown below:

Executing the "Tests" action navigates the user to an overview of all existing Test-Runs. It's a history of executed tests on this dedicated system. The visualization is very similar to the History action.

The Test-Runs-History allows users to define new Test-Runs (Test-Runs are dedicated CIs delivered with the Extension Test Studio extension). As soon the user creates a new Test-Runs the Test-Cases stored on the file system will become reflected as virtual CI. The user selects the needed Test-Cases which generates Test-Run-Cases as part of the new Test-Run CI (could be multi fragment or relation tbd).

As soon the Test-Run is defined it will be executed from the system through a Test-Runner-Workflow. The Test-Runner-Workflow sends the test result, logs and an optional screenshot back to the platform.

Digital Workspace Platform DWP-750 05 - Deliver Technical Preview to Matrix42 Engineers New

The technical preview of Extension Test Studio should be available in the extension gallery for all Matrix42 employess. A Workshop is offered to all engineers, recorded and published in the campus enablement project for Extension Test Studio.

Enterprise Service Management M42ESM-433 Migration to Worker for Marvin and MWS Provisioning New

Enterprise Service Management M42ESM-500 02 - Offer cloud instances of the RESTful ESB Proxy Service in Matrix42 Cloud Staging New

Matrix42 is offering in several cloud regions services to achieve lower latency and/or data privacy-driven isolation. The ESB RESTful proxy should be offered as a usable cloud service in the regions Matrix42 is active for the Staging cloud environment. This includes automatic deployment triggered by approvals.

Enterprise Service Management M42ESM-501 03 - Offer cloud instances of the RESTful ESB Proxy Service in Matrix42 Cloud Production New

Matrix42 is offering in several cloud regions services to achieve lower latency and/or data privacy-driven isolation. The ESB RESTful proxy should be offered as a usable cloud service in the regions Matrix42 is active for the Production cloud environment. This includes automatic deployment triggered by approvals.

Enterprise Service Management M42ESM-503 02 - Offer schema request handlers New

The schema request handlers will support two operations. A request to list all object types and a request to receive a dedicated object type.