Workspace name | Feature reference # | Feature name | Feature type | Feature description |
Enterprise Service Management | Introduce support for SSO With Entra ID in RA Connect | Improvement | Introduce support for SSO With Entra ID in RA Connect |
Enterprise Service Management | Enable customers to start adhoc sessions in RA Connect | Improvement | Enable customers to start adhoc sessions in RA Connect |
Enterprise Service Management | Re-Verification Oracle Java 2024 | New | ||
Enterprise Service Management Platform | File Storage supports MS Entra ID authorization to access files in Cloud | New | When applicable? - In case of need to use the private Cloud for keeping DWP attachments. The "File Storage" extension allows the configuration of such a scenario already but offers only the "Access Key" authorization mechanism for accessing files in Blob. However, Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Entra ID to authorize requests against blob, queue, and table data if possible, rather than using the account keys (Shared Key authorization). Authorization with Microsoft Entra ID provides superior security and ease of use over Shared Key authorization.
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Enterprise Service Management Platform | Mentioning users in Ticket's Journal produces notification (New Look) | New | Service Desk agent can mention colleagues from Journal in Service DeskMentioned user will receive in app notification*Available with ITSM Advanced and Enterprise subscriptions |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Show Ticket with New Information in the Navigation (New Look) | New | To enhance user experience, we are implementing a feature to display a badge on navigation items indicating the number of activities with the status "New information received". The feature is available for Service Desk and Enterprise Queue Management. The new information received will be shown in the navigation as a badge with the number of activities that were affected. The badge appears for Tickets, Service Requests, Incidents, Problems, Change Requests. For every badge in navigation "New Information received" tooltip will appears. |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Show recently viewed in Search (New Look) | New | Introduce Recently viewed item directly at Global Search |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Enhanced Home page for Self Service Modern to be modern (New Look) | Improvement | Newly created landing page available It is automatically set for new installations or customers who did not customize Self Service Portal landing When you customized your landing but like what you see and want to apply for the tenant - you stilll can do by updating Navigation item in Administration application |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | MS Entra ID data provider supports Users&Groups filtering with all standard Operators | Improvement | Azure AD data provider support all possible filters and operators available in Graph API |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Empower users with easy and modern way to find data in the application (New Look) | Improvement | Modernized UI for Search experience in UUX Users are able to search within application using modernized Search Results preview show items of any type as single list that allows sorting by Date or Alphabetically It is as well easy to click through search results and go back |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | View Interaction option: Full Screen or Side Panel (New Look) | New | In default application, Previews, Actction opened from Landing or Tiles are now openned full screen This can be switch off in the Administration Area |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Show search history (New Look) | New | Global search shows list of recently searched phrases by the user |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Soft-deleted users support by Entra ID data provider (membership import) | New | Import membership from Entra ID is now supported, although when soft-delete function is in use for Users. In this case, Entra ID Data Provider was not importing all memberships for still valid users to Matrix42. As part of that improvement, group member will be correctly imported from Entra ID, also when users were soft-deleted on Entra ID side |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Unified Search Experience can be activated per navigation (New Look) | New | With this update, Unified Search experience, that was possible to activate per application only, become more flexible. Now, you can activate it per navigation item as well. By default, Unified Search is visible only in Self Service Portal landing |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Keyboard Shortcuts menu (New Look) | New | With this update we introduce quick access to Keyboard Shortcuts from the Profile menu In addition, now Keyboard shortcuts support Mac OS |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Image for Announcements (New Look) | New | With this update, it is possible to set Image for Annoucements When defined, Image will be shown in SSP Landing, and Navigation |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Unified Search Experience shows user name (New Look) | New | With this update, it is possible to show current user first name with Unified Search Experience control. To do so, you need to define {UserFirstName} parameter in the application settings. By default, name is activated for Self Service Portal |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Create ticket out of Search Results (New Look) | New | When actor can't find anything, he/she can open ticket directly from search, with prefilled summary |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | Automatically apply available certificates on ESM installation on-premise | New | Introduce new option for activation ESM licenses on installing ESM on/premise with Setup wizard. The administrator has a possibility to download and immediately activate the certificates issued for your organization directly from the License Server authenticating with the M42 Account.
On clicking the "Download certificates automatically" the M42 Account Single sign-on is activated to obtain M42Account access token which is used for obtaining certificates. Afterwards the certificates are downloaded and placed to Application Folder. |
Enterprise Service Management Platform | View Interaction option: Stop opening Preview after object creation (New Look) | New | By default, Preview will not open automatically anylonger, after object was created in Self Service Portal This functionality is configurable in the Application Setting in the administration area |